Friday, 9 September 2011

Truth behind Electronic Cigarette

I’ve wrote many blogs in the favor of electronic cigarette but does It really help. Today I want to do something else, something different. Everything in this world has some positive things but we know that all that glitter is not gold. There is a chance that electronic cigarette has something which can be indigestible for smokers. Today I am going to reveal the truth behind an electronic cigarette, there is no doubt that electronic cigarette has something which is better than the traditional cigarette, and it’s a fact that electronic cigarette is 10 times safer than the ordinary tobacco cigarette.

If we look at the harmful site of tobacco cigarette than it’s seriously hell, there are many unheard disease that are really behaves like a devil. In Us 1 out of 4 die because of cancer and over half a million die each year from this disease. Whether you smoke 5 cigarettes a day or 50, there is no doubt that smoking will seriously affect your health in some way, and I know it affect really badly. Smoking affects almost 90% of organs, and a matter of fact 90% of cancer patients are smokers.
Around 2.5 million people die each year around the globe from smoking and it has been estimated that some time during the 2020's the number of deaths caused by smoking will hit the 10 million mark. 10 million in a year will be really shameful for humanity. We just have to think about it, there are chances that the 1 in 2.5 million could be your family member or friend.

In getting relieve from smoking everyone is looking to have a suitable alternative so that he/she can get rid from this worst addiction. Well one of the most known and effective alternative that I know Is an electronic cigarette, it’s really effective and I have saw many smokers to quit smoking with the help of this product. But it’s not that effective, yes it’s a fact that this product contains various nicotine levels and one can enjoy smoking with no nicotine but the one who is badly addicted to smoking will not satisfy his body by using no nicotine device, he needs something which can fulfill his desire of nicotine.

So if you want any advice than I must say electronic cigarette is not 100 times safer substitute of smoking but it is 10 times better than the traditional cigarette and if you are looking to buy such kind of substitute so it’s a suggestion that before buying please read electronic cigarettes review as it will tell you the whole story of an electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarettes reviews contain all the user opinion, user queries and their results about electronic cigarette. One can understand electronic cigarette from its beginning by reading electronic cigarettes reviews.

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