Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Are Electronic Cigarette Safe?

Before buying an electronic cigarette I had cleared my hassle on electronic cigarette by visiting some electronic cigarettes review websites. There were many questions in my mind regarding electronic cigarette and I wanted to clear my queries before buying an electronic cigarette. My questions for electronic cigarette were:

1. are electronic cigarettes safe?

2. Why Electronic cigarette is safer than the traditional cigarette?

Well, it’s true that electronic cigarette is lot safer than traditional cigarette but the question is how e cigarette is safer than the normal cigarette? I had clear my dilemma by reading few e cigarette reviews and what I got to know about electronic cigarette was few points which I would like to share with you:

1. This product comes with various nicotine levels, so one can easily control its nicotine addiction by using these cigarettes.

2. It has the capability to provide authentic smoking experience as one can feel the pleasure of smoking without actually inhaling any harmful substance.

3. The cigarette comes with a flavor of tobacco and menthol that helps the user to feel the normal flavors with some extra ordinary stuff.

Everyone wants to quit smoking but most of the time we becomes helpless as we didn’t able to find the suitable substitute for our smoking. These situations make us incapacitated. Electronic cigarette can be used as a best substitute of anyone addiction for smoking.

These days there are massive campaigns have been conducted against the use of regular tobacco cigarette, many are thinking of switching to electronic cigarette because they are lot safer than the traditional cigarette. but after reading all this information the common question that again knock at our mind is that are electronic cigarettes safe?

The results that I’ve found while I was searching for “are electronic cigarette safe?” is that : electronic cigarettes are not 100 % safe but it is 10 times safer than the normal cigarette. One should look at its review to know how an e cigarette can be a safer substitute for his/her smoking.

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