Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Before using blu cigs I was looking for freedom

After spending a long time in Goa, India I came back to my place in Miami. Well my home is on sea side and Miami is known for its beaches. The main purpose for my visit to India is to meet my friend Angela. Angela is there from past 3 years. She is completely into its life, she is enjoying in Goa. Well as per my experience Goa is really a good place to hang out. In complete India Goa is the only place where I can feel comfortable as there are many homies out there.

Well when I reach there Angela was on airport waiting for me with a cigarette in hand. I was little shocked because Angela suppose to hate smokers but at that time she was smoking. We met and went to her house, and then I asked her about her smoking. She said that she started it just for fun but now she is really into it and not able to get relieve from cigarettes. Then I show her my cigarette my blu cigs. She asked me what it is, it looks like cigarette but I don’t think it’s a cigarette.

I give her complete introduction of my blu cigs and suggested her to read little electronic cigarette review. Then she went online on her computer and searched about some best electronic cigarette. She was really impressed with the blu cigs. I suggested her to order one for herself. According to me if she uses blu cigs for at least 1 week she will almost forget his smoking.

For me blu cigs is the best electronic cigarette and there is no doubt that this best electronic cigarette has really helped me to get relieve from my regular cigarettes. Now I can experience the pleasure of smoking without smoking. Before using blu cigs I was like looking for freedom and want cigarettes and cigarettes.

Now I can do whatever I want, my best electronic cigarette is allowed at almost every place.

To know more about blu cigs or other electronic cigarettes one can simply read electronic cigarette review. Before using I went through several electronic cigarette reviews and after satisfying myself I went with blu cigs.

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