Monday, 9 January 2012

Under the blue sky begun my life-thanks to blu cig

I have been waiting from past four months to get this electric cigarette for my friend. My boy friend is a heavy chain smoker, he smoke since he was only 16 but now he is aware of the side effects of smoking. Now I have almost saved almost the money to buy one for my Boyfriend. Next week I am about to move back to Miami and I want to give a surprise to my boyfriend.

I am so glad that there are many companies in who are providing their electric cigarettes in a reasonable price. I read so many electric cigarettes reviews and have asked many friends about the best one. My friends have suggested me few brands and most of them told me to go for blu cigs.

The best thing with blu cigs is that it allows smoker to continue his/her smoke without any further affecting the health. Using blu cigs is like becoming a part of digital smoking. Digital smoking resembles to something which is battery operated and the same phenomena works with these electric cigarettes.
One thing that one can experience with electric cigarettes is that it doesn’t produce any ash or smoke when inhaled. Blu cigs is providing the same experience to satisfy the craving of the smoker, one more thing that is increasing its popularity is its flavors and outer design.

Blu is providing the best style statement with its electric cigarettes and the most interesting thing is that one can control its nicotine level with blu electronic cigarette.

My boyfriend will be really happy with his new gift. I am really so excited, I am going to meet him in two days and will tell you about the meeting in the new blog or you can simply contact me through Facebook at

Have a good day friends.

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